For college, I've gotten a new laptop. I love this thing, but there's one problem... The speakers are worse quality than the ten year old ones on the desktop. So I'll probably be producing a little slower, seeing as to finalize, I'll have to check the mp3 on the desktop, then redo any problems back on the laptop.
On top of that, I just had some kind of static overload while listening to my WIP song, which has never ever happened before.
Upon reopening FL Studio, it seems like that was just a random occurrence. Even so, that may happen again, further slowing me down. Either way, I won't be producing quite as quickly. Take that as a blessing or a curse :P
EDIT: My speakers couldn't handle the song, and they cut out.
Try some headphones perhaps? I've found them quite nice for editing films, seeing as how I can listen as loud as I wish, and with a great deal of quality. And if you're working with crappy speakers, this seems like an even more vital thing to do.
MisterJayElectro (Updated )
I am too stupid to deserve a music program. Wow. Thanks for the tip, it works fine now.
SUPER LATE EDIT: It worked fine until I started stacking plugins.....